Take part in the 2021 Commencement #ChampGrad Photo Contest and tell us: What does graduation mean to you?
Congratulations! You are nearing the end of your Champlain journey, and graduation is in sight.
As you approach the end of this step in your educational experience, we want to give you a chance to share what this time has meant to you.
Submit a photo and caption that answers the question, “What does graduation mean to you?” You can answer with one word, 10 words, or 50 words! Just share what reaching this milestone means to you.

Who can enter?
Any graduating Champlain Class of 2021 student qualifies for the contest. Undergraduate, graduate, and certificate program students are all invited to join in on the fun!
What’s the prize?
Four lucky winners will be awarded a Champlain sweatshirt of their choice from the Champlain bookstore to represent their #ChampGrad pride.
How do I enter?
If posting on Facebook:
- Like the Champlain College or Champlain College Online Facebook page (or both!)
- Tag the Champlain College or Champlain College Online Facebook page(s) when posting your photo and quote
- Include the hashtag: #ChampGrad in your caption
If posting on Instagram:
- Follow the @champlainedu or @champlainonline Instagram accounts (or both!)
- Tag @champlainedu or @champlainonline (or both!) when posting your photo and quote
- Use the hashtag: #ChampGrad in your caption
If posting on Twitter:
- Follow @champlainedu or @champlainonline on Twitter
- Tweet your photo and quote and use the hashtag #ChampGrad in your caption
What if my social media accounts are private or what if I don’t have social media?
If your social media accounts are private, direct message the Champlain College or Champlain College Online social media accounts with your photo and quote.
If you do not have social media but would like to take part, email your submission to graduation@champlain.edu.
Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
When and how will I find out who won?
The winners will be announced on the @champlainedu and @champlainonline social media channels on May 14, 2021. If you are randomly selected as a winner, you’ll be contacted directly via email.
Read the contest terms and conditions here.

We can’t wait to see your photos and celebrate the Class of 2021!