We asked members of the Class of 2020 to tell us how they’re feeling as their Champlain journey comes to a close. Here’s what they had to say.
Riley Morrissey, ’20 // Game Art

“I’ve loved my time at Champlain, and I feel like I’ve had a lot of really valuable experiences both in and out of the classroom. I’ve learned so much from my professors and so much from my peers. I’ve made friendships that are going to last a lifetime.”
Hansel Carter IV, ’20 // Filmmaking

“I definitely feel ready to graduate. All of my professors and fellow students have been so supportive, and we really want to see each other produce our best work. The projects that I worked on and the people that I’ve worked with are going to help me get places.”
Eli Blaker, ’20 // Accounting

“The thing I’m going to miss most about Champlain are the people that I’ve met here. At Champlain, it’s been very easy meeting great people. Through the friends that I’ve made, I’ve really blossomed from the person that I was in high school to the person I am now.”
Caitlin Blanchette, ‘20 // Law

“I could not have predicted how much Champlain would influence who I would become, and I am thankful for every unexpected experience.”
Austin Roorda, ’20 // Game Production Management

“I’d like to thank my friends and family for supporting my wacky goal of wanting to create video games. I also want to thank my faculty advisor Ben Wiley, my career coach Daphne Walker, and all the Game Studio faculty that I’ve worked with. I really appreciate the feedback they’ve given me that’s helped shape me into the manager that I am today.”
Roger Castillo, ’20 // Filmmaking

“Coming in as a first-year, I didn’t know anything about filmmaking. I came in really intimidated. But being here at Champlain for four years, I definitely learned a lot being on set, talking to professors, and working at the rental house. It’s all prepared me for the outside world.”
Caitlyn Dangvu, ’20 // Accounting & Finance

“If high school Caitlyn saw me now, I don’t even know if she’d recognize me.”
Adam Streeter, ’20 // Game Art

“I’d love to thank the Champlain College Game Art faculty just for being so incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and patient.”
Molly Kathleen Aldrich, ’20 // Business Administration

“Champlain has been my home and I don’t think I will ever let that go.”
James Kainth, ’20 // Computer Networking & Cybersecurity

“Goodbye Champlain. I’ll miss the professors, the faculty—but most of all, I’ll just miss the general atmosphere and the campus.”
Mitch Zasa, ’20 // Game Production Management

“Goodbye Champlain. Thank you for all the amazing memories that I’ve made over these past few years.”