The memories you make at Champlain College will last a lifetime. Let’s take a look back at the the Class of 2020’s journey.
In April 2016, you were welcomed to the Flynn Center for Performing Arts with a special message during your Admitted Student Day. For many of you, this was your first time visiting Burlington.It was the day many of you decided, ‘I can see myself doing well here. It feels like home.’A few months later in August 2016, you arrived on the Champlain College campus to move in to your new home. You were likely nervous, but ended up meeting some pretty cool people.You dormed it up, chatting with your new roommates and hallmates.You took a class photo with a whole bunch of strangers, who soon became your Champlain family.You hopped around Burlington from event to event getting to know the town, including at Art Hop.You explored our beautiful state of Vermont, and maybe hit the ski mountain once or twice.You witnessed AMAZING sunset views from campus.And then you experienced some more. Time and time again.You made your voices heard.And stood up for what you believe in.You attended conferences, presentations, career fairs, and more to hone your professional skills and prepare yourself for internships and jobs.Speaking of internships, you had a lot of those. And you networked a LOT.You got hands-on experience from day one thanks to our Upside Down Curriculum.You helped welcome new members of the Champlain family to campus.You joined clubs and organizations that piqued your interests. You might have even discovered a new hobby.Many of you gamed a lot.You dared to study abroad!You challenged yourself, taking travel courses and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.During your senior year, you were welcomed to the Champlain Alumni Family at a Champlain Connect event in Aiken Hall.You worked on your Capstone projects and put your networking skills to the test, including at one last Elevator Pitch event.And then, quite frankly, the unthinkable happened. You headed off for Spring Break to soon find out a global pandemic would drastically alter the rest of your senior year. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it was incredibly difficult.You found some silver linings here and there, like getting to hangout with new study buddies or going for long walks.You innovated and figured out ways to complete your Capstone projects virtually, meanwhile polishing your remote work and time management skills.And then somehow, the final week of classes and final exams were done, and you officially became a COLLEGE GRADUATE! YOU DID IT! We are so happy for you. It’s been quite the journey—both unpredictable and beautiful—and we are so excited to celebrate you on Saturday, May 9—the day when it officially becomes official.Congratulations Class of 2020 on this unforgettable and well-accomplished journey. Until we see you again on campus for our in-person ceremony, we leave you with a special, very expected, note: